Residents’ Fury at Cowboy Developer operating @ 82 Pollards Hill North.
/The PHRA committee have received photographs (below) documenting the current state of road leading away from the site in both directions, leaving little doubt that the developers are causing havoc. To make matters worse, members have already reported that they have punctured tyres on their respective vehicles, the PHRA is awaiting photographs of the shrapnel that has caused the punctures and will assist with the members claim against the developer, as they are obliged to pay for tyre replacement and or repairs. We would urge all members to contact us through the PHRA contact form if you suspect your vehicle tyres have picked up punctures from driving past the site.
The PHRA is also receiving reports that the deliveries in and out of the site have knocked down some of the timber posts surrounding the park perimeter, leaving absolute carnage.
Croydon council’s Development Management department have been contacted by the PHRA and our ward Cllrs have also been contacted for a response. Members consider this issue an urgent priority matter.
82 pollards hill north
This is the extract from the decision notice -
3 Prior to the commencement of development including demolition a Construction Logistics Plan (CLP) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The CLP shall include the following information for all construction phases of the development:
a) Hours of construction;
b) Hours of deliveries;
c) Parking of vehicles associated with deliveries, site personnel, operatives and visitors;
d) Facilities for the loading and unloading of plant and materials;
e) Details of the storage facilities for any plant and materials;
f) The siting of any site huts and other temporary structures, including site hoardings;
g) Details of the proposed security arrangements for the site;
h) Details of the precautions to guard against the deposit of mud and substances on the public highway, to include washing facilities by which vehicles will have their wheels, chassis and bodywork effectively cleaned and washed free of mud and similar substances prior to entering the highway;
i) Details outlining the proposed range of dust control methods and noise mitigation measures;
j) Details demonstrating compliance with the non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) regulations 2015; k) Details confirming that all delivery vehicles are registered under the Freight Operators Recognition Scheme (FORS) achieving a minimum of silver status. All construction phases of the development shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the details so approved.
Reason: To safeguard the amenity of surrounding residents and the area generally, and to prevent adverse impacts upon the transport network during the construction phase of the development. This condition is required to be pre-commencement to ensure that all phases of construction do not adversely impact the amenity of surrounding residents and the area generally, and do not adversely impact upon the transport network.
The 82 Pollards Hill North development was pushed through under the previous administration circa 2020/2021 with very little regard to the PHRA members concerns at that time. The information regarding the planning history can be read here - 20/03623/FUL | Demolition and erection of 5 houses and associated car parking, cycle parking, refuse storage and landscaping | 82 Pollards Hill North Norbury London SW16 4NY (