The PHRA has Planters for Pollards Hill
/The PHRA has arranged for planters to be placed on the apex junctions of Pollards Hill North, Pollards Hill West and Pollards Crescent. The aim is to improve the area appearance and stop vehicles mounting the kerbs and chewing the verges, at these locations. They’re work in progress and need restoration and plants etc. Remedial works have already started by a small team of PHRA member volunteers, more are welcome. The planters are left over stock from the dreadful Low traffic Neighbourhood scheme (LTN’s) that ultimately failed. This presented a great opportunity for the repurposing of public realm stock, for a sustainable contribution to our park boundaries. A huge Thanks must go to the PHRA members that have volunteered to maintain them and to Croydon Council for making them available to district groups like ours.
If you want to get involved in the environmental side of the PHRA footprint then please use the contact page to register your interest and see how you can help to keep Pollards Hill Park and surrounding green areas maintained.
Pollards hill Park