18 Pollards Hill West - The Brambles - updated 27/04/2024
26/04/2024 - Permission Refused - 24/00752/FUL - Huge win for the PHRA.
Reason(s) for Refusal: 1 The development, due to the incongruous roof form and insensitive design of the homes in relation to the surrounding built form would appear out of keeping with and be harmful to the character and appearance of area. The development therefore conflicts with Croydon Local Plan (2018) Policy DM10 as well as London Plan (2021) Policies D3, D4 and D5. 2 The entrance to the homes is to the side which is poor design and would therefore lack legibility for residents and visitors, also raising concerns in terms of safety and security. The development conflicts with Local Plan (2018) Policy DM10 and London Plan (2021) Policies D3, D6 and D11. 3 In the absence of a legal agreement to mitigate the transport impacts of the development it cannot be acceptable in planning terms. The proposed development therefore conflicts with Policies T3 and T4 of the London Plan 2021 and Policies SP8, DM29 and DM30 of the Croydon Local Plan 2018. 4 The proposed development lacks a dedicated pedestrian access and neither pedestrian or vehicular site lines have been submitted. The proposed car parking layout is also poor in terms of accessibility due to the tight spacing. The application has failed to demonstrate suitable highway safety in and directly surrounding the site. As such, the development is contrary to Policies T4 and T6 of the London plan (2021) and Polices DM29 and DM30 of the Croydon Local Plan (2018). 5 The application has failed to demonstrate that the proposed access road would be suitably accessible for a refuse collection vehicle. The development could therefore result in the harmful proliferation of waste in and around the site. The development conflicts with Policy DM13 of the Croydon Local Plan (2018). 6 The application has failed to adequately consider protected species and biodiversity as relevant surveys for bats and reptiles at the site have not been submitted. The development could therefore be harmful in ecological terms and conflicts with Local Plan (2018) Policy DM27 and London Plan (2021) Policy G6.
Update 09/10/2023 - Appeal dismissed ! Huge win for the PHRA.
You can read the Appeal Decision here: Appeal document (croydon.gov.uk)
This brings closure to this Planning Application.
The due date of 15/08/2023 for the appellant and LPA final comments to the inspectorate has now lapsed, as soon as we have an update we will post it here on this page.
The Appeal Process started on 09/06/23 and will end on the 14/07/23
Remember to submit your comments to https://acp.planninginspectorate.gov.uk by the 14/07/23.
Application number: 3312647 (APP/L5240/W/22/3312647)
The Inspectorate may publish details of your comments, on the internet (on the Appeals area of the Planning Portal). Your comments may include your name, address, e-mail address or phone number. Please ensure that you only provide information, including personal information belonging to you, that you are happy will be made available to others in this way. If you supply information about someone else, please ensure that you have their permission. More detailed information about data protection and privacy matters is available on the Planning Portal.
The appeal process was triggered by the developer, after a lapsed non-determination deadline. All documents can be viewed and or downloaded from the Croydon Councils website / planning portal with the link provided below as indicated.
The PHRA strongly opposes the development of the site due to the inherent risk of damage to the existing housing stock. The risks are so high that the application is likely to continue into the 5th year of consultation from September 2023.
Link to documentation below:
18 Pollards Hill West Norbury London SW16 4NS
Ref. No: 19/04117/FUL | Received: Fri 30 Aug 2019 | Validated: Fri 30 Aug 2019 | Status: Unknown
Click the button for link to the planning committee hearing back in 2021
An extract below from the officers final web report, which can be found using the link above, indicates that the decision to fully revoke the spd2 document that helped developers bully the residents across Croydon, with intrusive, inappropriate developments, has effectively made this development now, non-policy compliant. We will wait for the Appeal process to start and we will make a robust contribution on behalf of the resident members.
c. Neighbour amenity
5.13 Since this application was deferred at committee on 04/11/2021 the Council’s Supplementary Planning Document 2 has been revoked. This SPD endorsed more limited separation distances between adjoining, donor and future occupiers than the standard 18-21m. However, with its revocation the 18-21m yardstick, as identified in the Mayor's Housing SPG (March 2016), would be the most appropriate distance to ensure adequate separation. The scheme therefore needs to be reassessed given this change in guidance.
5.14 Local Plan Policy DM10 seeks to ensure that the amenity of residential neighbours is protected. London Plan Policies D3 and D6 also seek to ensure that developments have acceptable impacts for neighbours.
5.15 The closest residential neighbour is Compass Yard to the east. This is a bungalow with a flat roof which would be separated from the side of ‘House 5’ and ‘House 9’ by approximately 12m. There is a full length window serving a bedroom on the western flank which would face toward the flat roof area of ‘House 5’. The 12m separation distance was considered adequate in the previous Committee Report for this application; this assessment gave weight to the material consideration of the SPD, which no longer exists, are therefore is afforded no weight at this time. Whilst the terraces of the nearest proposed homes would be screened to maintain privacy for occupiers of Compass Yard, the massing and 10m height of the new homes combined with their position close to the boundary is considered to result in harmful enclosure loss of outlook. The relationship with ‘House 5’ is of particular concern as this building would be on the raised area of the site and the bedroom window at Compass Yard would be orientated towards it. The area of garden space between this window and the development would also be enclosed.
5.16 14 Pollards Hill West has a rear addition which would be separated from the proposed ‘House 6’ by approximately 15m. The relationship was considered to be acceptable in the previous committee report recommending approval, however this gave weight to the now revoked SPD. The 15m of separation is less than the 18-21m yardstick identified in the Mayor's Housing SPG. The new development would be on raised ground and this, considered along with the massing and proximity the development to 14 Pollards Hill West would result in harmful enclosure and loss of outlook for these residents.